
Monday, July 29, 2019

   In the holidays

In the holidays I got my hair cut to my shoulders. My mum said that I could maybe get baby blue at the tips of my hair.That was the same Friday as my dad's birthday.  That night we went to Lone Star and after dinner my mum said ‘No’, and my Aunty Tracey said, ‘Yes’. My mum was not happy at all.   In the end mum won!

By Rose

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

peace poem

P  peace is nothing but quiet 

N no noise is here
I if there was a noise

A and cars rushing

S stuff like lunch or work

L let's get  to work now by! 

B by Rosie Webster

Swimming sports

I see a pool and kids.

I hear  talking loud and big splashes.       

I smell fresh air and chlorine.

I feed nothing 

I taste the coring when we were in the water.

How to make a matariki star

On wensday I woke up at 6’o kocke and letffe, at sun rise to go  and get some petrill and then we letffe it was a long  way so me, mum and Alisa fall asleep and when I woke up agane and then we were there and then we walk araed for adit then we went to kamut and went shoping and then we got to the motal and the got aw room was 6 and the next day we to horse of the for mum to get the sadill that she woned.The End

horse and pony of the year

On wensday I woke up at 6’o kocke and letffe, at sun rise to go  and get some petrill and then we letffe it was a long  way so me, mum and Alisa fall asleep and when I woke up agane and then we were there and then we walk araed for adit then we went to kamut and went shoping and then we got to the motal and the got aw room was 6 and the next day we to horse of the for mum to get the sadill that she woned.The End

My dog pippa

My dog pippa she is very naughty and sometimes good but still very naughty yesterday I got new teedy pets and makisse and when we got home and we letherout she tried to get diner and she tried to chow my teedy pets she is very naughty.

Monday, July 1, 2019

How to make a smoly

How to make a smoothie.

Get some fruit get a blender and milk.
Put the fruit in the blender.
Turn the blender on.
Give the smoothie 0-20 seconds.
When you have given the smoothie 0-20  seconds then turn the blender off.
Then get a cup and pourer the smoothie  into the cup.
Congratulation you maked a smoothie.
By Rose

The human brain

     Brain food

Some types of food are known as brain food because it’s good for the brain. Food that is vitamin A C and E is good for the brain vitamin A food is rich in protein, vitamin C food is a good source of glucose and vitamin E food.Help  people remain sharp and alert.

Parts of the brain
There are three main parts of the brain;
Cerebellum ,(Say sarah-brel-l-um) cerebrum (say sarah-brum) and brain stem.

Brain at rest

The brain never really rests. During sleep the brain keeps the body alive in your sleep is very vital for the brain during sleep the brain stores new information and memorise.

Coma is the state when a person is alive but can not be woken up.
 It is because there brain is damaged.

In the holidays

In the holidays I went to horse   riding and rode Inkey and on Tuesday night it was camp and  my family and  there was pet, Nan, Mum, Dad and my little sister Alisa. Then I went to camp at my riding   Teacher's Jackie house.

star song

Stars song
Stars stars stars bright stars big stars little stars shimmer shimmer shimmer wishing stars flying through the sky beautiful stars. 1st vs small stars big stars 2nd vs stars stars stars bright stars shimmer shimmer shin shin shin   la  la la la la  la la la la when the stars die and go cold and when they are  alive  they are  hot do do do do do la do la  do la do la la la matariki.

How to make a worm farm

1.Buy a worm farm.
2.Buy some tiger worms from the enirocetre.
3.Get the worm farm and assemble it.
4.Sock the coconut fiber.
5.Get the coconut fiber ready to put in and lay out.
6. Then  get the tiger worms and put them in the worm farm.
7.Then grab some food scraps.
8.Then you get some news paper on top four the blanket.
9.congratulation you have a worm farm.
By Rose

About Me

Hi my name is Rose and I go to Makaraka School and I want to travel the world. I'm 8 years old and my favourite animals are horse, unicorn, cat,  dog and mouse. One day I want to go to New York, Fiji and Australia.

When I grow up I want to be a pony riding teacher. I want to do horse jumping and I want to become an Olympic rider. 

As a pet I have 1 dog, 5 cats 2, ponies and 25 chicken's.
I love animals and fruit and math.